Prayer Altar Box “Sacred Space”

Welcome to your “Sacred Space”. Just for you!
An intentional space for wherever you are.
~Sacred energy
~Wishes and Dreams
~Higher Power
~The Divine

There is no “one way” to Pray. Your higher Power already knows all your deepest desires and what you want and need. Don’t struggle with the how’s or what words to use.

The Prayer Box Altar is a focal point for you to place the energy of your practice and your connection with the Divine and build on it with time.

It’s an intentional Self-Care place for wherever you are. A “Sacred Space” where you get to Meditate, Pray, Manifest, Rest, think or give yourself time and a moment to restore.

With intention, hold your Prayer Box Altar as your “Sacred Space” and come to it with care, love and reverence as you engage.

Repeated ritual will change your neural pathways to hardwire the habit of your practice.

Your Prayer Altar Box, “Sacred Space” is hand stained with Walnut Ink and sealed with beeswax by me while listening to 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency. Which means it comes already Sacredly infused to get you started.

Since ancient civilizations the love frequency has been used to manifest miracles, bring blessings, and harness a healing property.

Sound healing is effective in healing DNA physical, generational and emotional trauma using vibrations and frequencies. Research shows it also helps with restoring the parasympathetic nervous system.

Mark the beginning of your “Sacred Space” moments by using your sound element. Light the flame on candle to keep a connection to your Higher Power.
Then light some Copal.
Set your intention for your practice with enclosed cards.
Make your “Sacred Space” your own. Add or take away, however and whatever feels right for YOU!
If new to creating a practice, start with 5 minutes and incrementally work your way up in time.
Be Creative!
Explore different approaches!

I hope you receive as much joy from “Sacred Space” as I have. Now, it’s time for you!

Much Love,

Jolie Jones