Sacred Space

In Memory of Jeri Jones

“Sacred Space”

A Prayer Altar Box

A spiritual focal point

A space to set intentions

A place for prayer and Practice

A Sacred Space

Each Sacred Space is created while listening to Solfeggio frequencies. Encased in its custom Walnut wood vessel, it comes to you already sacredly infused.

Since ancient civilizations, the love frequency 528Hz has been used to manifest miracles, bring blessings, and harness a healing property.

Sound healing is effective in healing generational and emotional trauma using vibrations and frequencies. Research shows it also helps with restoring the parasympathetic nervous system.

It has a sound element, a gemstone element, Copal incense, a candle to ignite the divine within us, and some form of jewelry to hold the energy and wear.  

Clip a photo of your prayer recipient inside the lid, then pray and meditate around this person.

Start your practice with a ritual of sound to mark entering this sacred space, light the candle to hold the flow of energy, then set your intention for your practice. Make it your own, feel your way to what works best for you and create your connection with the divine using it as a vessel to hold your intention and build the energy there as your Sacred Space.


Sapphires have a long history of special spiritual, medicinal, and religious significance throughout history. It has forever been associated with sacred things.

A gem of gems used to invite spiritual clarity as well as attract blessings.

Ancient Persians, Buddhists, and Christians alike believe Sapphire’s aid spiritual enlightenment.

Copal is from the Aztec word copal considered the sacred blood of trees.

Derived from the sap of native trees of the BuresaceaeFamily in South America.

Copal has a long history of traditional use as a space clearer eradicating negative energy from places and objects.

It has been considered a bond between the divine and the earthly.

A Blue Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization.

Most often it relates to change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life.